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TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020

Album release and a new documentary about the band

On March 14th 2025 the band will release its 20th studio album "As if we have nothing more to say…”.

On march 24th a new documentary about the band (with English subtitles) has its premiere on the Cph:dox film festival.

TV-2 Greatest Greenland

New single from the upcoming album

– Published November 29, 2024 is now available on digital platforms:

TV-2 2025

Biggest indoor concerts ever and a new album in spring '25

Tickets for the bands biggest indoor concerts ever are on sale. All concerts in 2025.

A new album is planned for release in spring '25.

TV-2 Greatest Greenland

TV-2 performs at Grøn Koncert 2024

This year will be the 10th time that TV-2 will play Grøn Koncert.

The first time was 1986 and the band is looking forward to the 8 concerts which will be the band's only big outdoor concerts this year:

This year's green concerts will be held on 18 July in Tårnby, 19 July in Kolding. 20 July in Aarhus, 21 July in Aalborg, 25 July in Esbjerg, 26 July in Odense, 27 July in Næstved and 28 July in Valby.

PRISMA x TV-2 – Alt Hvad Hun Ville Var At Danse

New single release November '23 

In collaboration with danish artist PRISMA the band released a new version of one their biggest hits Alt hvad hun ville var at danse (All she ever wanted was to dance).

PRISMA are the two sisters Frida and Sirid who have already received several music awards. They joined TV-2 on stage at some summer concerts 23.

TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020

TV-2 Live – summer 23

Summer 23 the band is touring Danish Festivals and their first concert ever in Spain in Málaga.

TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020

TV-2 with the Danish Chamber Orchestra: Concerts 2023

1999 Nick Ingman (George Michael, Madonna and many others) arranged and conducted 16 TV-2 songs and the Danish Radio Concert Orchestra played together with TV-2 at several concerts and released a live album. The title of the concert and album was "Manden der ønskede sig en havudsigt" (The Man that Wanted a House with a View).

After countless calls, the band is now repeating the success with new songs and arrangements in februar/march 2023 with the Danish Chamber Orchestra.

Tickets on

TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020

TV-2 Live – summer 22

After two years of pandemic restrictions the band is back on danish festivals summer 22.

TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020

New live album from 81

After a fantastic 2021 with lots of concerts the band released a new live-album on January 1st 22.

40 years ago the bands sound engineer recorded a concert on cassette tape. This very first live recording of TV-2 has been restored by dedicated sound techs and is now available on

TV-2 Greatest Greenland

It's going to be a great summer!

After more than 30 acoustic concerts the band is looking forward to play in the usual electric set up summer 21.

Following the official corona guidelines the limited audience has to show a valid covid-19 passport to access these events.

TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020

Acoustic concerts
– May/June 2021

After public demand and overwhelming 5 star reviews TV-2 decided to prolong the acoustic 40th anniversary tour with concerts in May and June 2021.

tv-2 Den sidste turist i Europa

New video and single

Like all other artists TV-2 had to cancel several concerts due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Inspired by these very unusual times the band recorded an old danish song from 1948 with new lyrics The last tourist in Europe.

Take a listen or enjoy the video.

TV-2 40 Jubilæumstour 2020

NEW TOUR DATES: 40 years anniversary as a band 

UPDATE Sept. 9th 2020: To comply with government instructions, the anniversary tour is being postponed to October 2021:

TV-2 is celebrating its 40 years anniversary as a band with stadium concerts in the 4 biggest danish cities in October 2021.

This very unique quartet has released more than 200 songs, 19 studio albums and played more then 1200 concerts.

TV-2 Jubilæumstour 2020
TV-2 Greatest Greenland

Greatest Greenland Live Album

– Released in Greenland only 2014 is now available worldwide on all digital platforms:

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